JAN 'N JUNE proudly presents S/S'19
Fashion Week Berlin July 2018 English Version only Have you ever wondered what this fashion week thing is about? Some of you (who are following us on Instagram) probably saw us hanging out at our JAN 'N JUNE booth at a fair last week. This fair is a sustainable one called NEONYT (former Green Showroom) and takes place in Berlin during Berlin Fashion Week. If you're not sure what all this fashion week stuff is about we'd love to explain! What are you doing at those fairs? We're presenting our new sample collection; Spring/Summer 2019. This one is called "lilac 'n lemons". We also drink a lot of Crémant with our clients. Who's looking at your stuff and can I buy it? Buyers from smaller and bigger shops all over Europe come to visit several fairs during fashion week and some of them are interested in sustainable fashion. Those are the ones who stop by at "our" sustainable fair, NEONYT. So only if you buy stuff for an (online) store, you can order our new items. Press also likes to stop by. I love the lemon dress, I'll pay double the price if I can have it now! Please? We feel the same way! Unfortunately, we cannot sell any samples because each item only exists once at this point. Spring/Summer '19? That's next year! Yes, spring/summer next year, crazy – isn't it? Almost all fashion labels present their collection for the next year to the buyers and the press at least half a year in advance. Between the presentation, the fashion week, production and the actual date of sale time passes. Berlin is one of the earlier fashion weeks so there is even more time in between than for example between Paris fashion week and date of sale. I love what I see on the pictures. When can I finally shop online? The first sustainable fashion items will drop mid of February already! Yay. What else? Our team currently counts five members and every single one of us was always talking A LOT these days. So many people visited us, familiar faces who pass by each season, but also a lot of new ones. It's kind of a family reunion of the eco fashion scene. The time of fashion week is always super busy but somehow we managed to take some pictures in between. We love to share some impressions with you and hope you like them and the upcoming collection – we can't wait until it will drop!
Our current team from left to right: Marie, Jula, Anna, Maya and Sinah. All in JAN 'N JUNE - of course!
Here you see our co-founder Anna with the German politician Katrin Göring-Eckardt, who is with a liberal and green politics party. She came by to see what's going on in the sustainable fashion business. Oh and of course we didn't miss the game England vs. Sweden. But since there was no TV at the vegan tapas bar, we had to improvise. You see, even we felt the World Cup euphoria.
On the last day, we got visited by the girls from Blogger Bazaar. This is Anna and Jula with Lisa and Tanja. We were so happy to get to know these girls! Fangirl moment at it's best!
Prepeek Event
At the prepeek event influencer, blogger and the press had the opportunity to try on some signature pieces from spring/summer '19 collections by various exhibitors. Here you can see some of our favorite JAN 'N JUNE babes in our upcoming collection. They are wearing the big sleeve dress BIELLA lemon print and the skirt SIENA in lilac. (Photo Credit: Lea Wormsbach)As you can see we had a good time! Thank you NEONYT and huge thanks to the Fashion Changers who hosted the prepeek event. (You can watch their Making Of Video here, btw).
We love to keep you updated and hope you like to get to know our daily business recaps.xx Sinah + Team