It's time to ask.


Fashion revolution? You are asking yourself what that is? Well it's not about the latest trends or how to style yourself revolutionary. It's actually a more serious topic. Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-18 um 15.02.14


As you know in 2013 a horrible accident happened at the Rana Plaza Building in Bangladesh. The building - used as a garment factory - collapsed and over 1100 people died and many more thousand got injured. On top of that, some fast fashion retailer weren't even sure whether their clothes were produced at Rana Plaza that time or not. That's the thing about fast fashion. It has gotten so fast that not even the brands know where their items come from.
Fashion revolution is a global movement, celebrating fashion as a positive influence, raising awareness of the fashion industry’s most pressing issues, showing that change is possible and celebrating those who are on a journey to create a more ethical and sustainable future for fashion.
Fashion revolution day falls on the 24th april every year, on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory disaster.

How to get involved?

With more consumers encouraging brands to answer ‘who made my clothes?’,  Fashion Revolution has the power to push the industry to be more transparent. You guys are on our website. That means you already care for more fair and sustainable fashion. We've prepared two more steps to get involved and would love if you participate! Let's change the fashion world at least a little bit!

1.) Let's use this week to encourage millions of people to ask brands ‘Who made my clothes?’ and let's demand a fairer, cleaner, more beautiful fashion industy.


a) Take a picture in your favorite piece of clothes wearing it on the left side

b) Post it on a social media channel tagging the brand and using #whomademyclothes #fashionrevolutionday2016 #fashrev

Here we used Anna and Esther from Kunstkinder Mag as an example:   Kunstkinder  

2.) Show all the people that you already care about fair and sustainable fashion.

a) Take a picture wearing a JAN 'N JUNE piece or another item from another sustainable fashion brand.

b) Post it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter tagging it with #iknowwhomademyclothes #fashrev

c) If it's a JAN 'N JUNE item also tag us and it with #jannjunemademyclothes and win our beautiful organic cotton top COCO RIB OCEAN.

 Fash Rev


Here am I, JAN 'N JUNE Co-Founder Jula, in my organic cotton blouse SHERYL.
And here's Anna, JAN 'N JUNE Co-Founder no. 2, in her recycled cotton sweater LENA.

More information on !!!

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