We prepared a quick how-to-guide for less plastic. Scroll down!

Coffee to go
Bring your own mug. Be honest. Most of us have a super stylish coffee mug at home. Some of us already drink the first coffee on the way to work or university in a mug like that. Why not taking the same mug to lunch break and refill it? Definiely less palstic. Also, some coffee shops give you a discount if you bring your own mug. In Germany around 320.000 to go coffe cups are used each hour.
Plastic forks
Same same. Is it really such a big thing to take your own fork? Besides, they are more stable anyway and you won't end up with broken plastic pieces in your food. There are light alternatives made out of bamboo.
Plastic bags
Bring your own bag. Again you safe money. Going for grocery shopping 4 times a week á 20 cents per plastic bag sums up to 38,40 € a year. That's more than our basic organic cotton rib t-shirt AMY. If you still have some plastic bags, don't throw them away. They are perfectly for being reused as a trash bag.