Our first eco fashion shooting this year!

Eco Fashion Shooting at it's best.
English & German version Hey guys! We successfully started 2018! At the beginning of the year we happily welcomed our new office manager Marie and Chrissy, another intern. Both are now on board as an active support. The office is bursting and we are overjoyed to move to Speicherstadt in spring. With new energy we are now working on projects, ideas and events for you guys! On January 5th we shot our new autumn/winter 2018/19 collection with the wonderful photographer Lena Scherer. Packed with clothing, food and a remarkable selection of shoes, we went to our favorite studio - the Luna Studios in our home base Hamburg. After a strong coffee the set up started. While our model Simone was in the mask, the new parts of the collection were ironed and admired. Lena and Andrea provided music and a good setting and (most important) light. The "Carpe Diem" collection was shot in 30 looks and can be combined in many ways. 2018/19 will be colorful, cuddly, feminine, noble and casual! All in. Oh, and since we do sustainable fashion it's also fair & eco & vegan. With 16 helping hands we were well on schedule, could take a sushi break and had some time to breathe. The make-up was refreshed, the music turned up and new outfits combined. The last 15 looks were photographed and finally evaluated. After 10 hours of shooting we were tired, but also happy with the amazing results. Due to the "big" team we realize how good it is to share tasks and above all how fast it goes when everyone thinks and helps. Many thanks to the great ones: Lena Scherer, our wonderful photographer Andrea , our helping hand and good soul Leonie Diekhoff, for hair and make up & Simone Auze, our model (Thank you Core Management!) #girlpowerxx JAN' N JUNE TEAM
Miri, Anna, Jula, Chrissy, Sinah & MarieHinter den Kulissen bei dem JAN' N JUNE Shooting AW 18/19
Unser erstes Eco Fashion Shooting dieses Jahr!
Wir sind gut in das neue Jahr 2018 gestartet. Zum Jahresanfang konnten wir unsere neue Office-Managerin Marie begrüßen und Chrissy, eine weitere Praktikantin, ist nun auch als tatkräftige Unterstützung an Bord. Das Büro platzt aus allen Nähten und wir sind überglücklich, im Frühjahr in die Speicherstadt zu ziehen. Mit neuer Energie geht es für uns nun an Projekte, Ideen und Veranstaltungen. Am 5. Januar haben wir mit Lena Scherer unsere Herbst/ Winter 2018/19 geshootet. Bepackt mit Kleidersäcken, Verpflegung und einer beachtlichen Schuhauswahl, ging es in die Luna Studios. Nach einem starken Kaffee ging der Aufbau los. Während unser Model Simone in der Maske war, wurden die neuen Teile der Kollektion gebügelt und bestaunt. Lena und Andrea sorgten für Musik und ein gutes Setting. Die Kollektion „Carpe Diem“ besteht aus 30 Looks und ist sehr vielfältig kombinierbar. 2018/19 wird farbig, kuschelig, feminin, edel und leger!