JAN 'N JUNE goes to Berlin.
... Our 5th time at the Green Showroom.
It's unbelieveble how time is running. Two years back we've participated at the Green Showroom in Berlin for the first time. We had basically no clue what would happen and if anyone would visit us at all. Our first fashion week ended with a few orders and we were damn happy about that. With time passing and the business plan in the back of your minds, we have a little more pressure to make our label grow and also some more expectations. To make it short for this time: We weren't disappointed! Buyer and press seemed to like our new collection 'À Point'.We are trying to find shops all over the world, but mainly in Europe who would like to sell JAN 'N JUNE. Since it's not for sure yet I cannot tell you which cities and what shops, but there will be definitely some new places.
If you're not so familiar with the fashion cicle, maybe it's interesting to know, that we presented the coming Autumn/Winter '17/'18 collection. Crazy, isn't it? And there's always the biggest question mark. Will you girls like it when the collection arrives mid August. We'll see then, I guess...
The Green Showroom lasted for three days and the first one was so busy, Anna and I were talking all day long to many many people. Thank god, our current intern Julie came to help us out and also presented our collection so we didn't have to turn anyone away. In between, we managed to take some pictures and here they are!
In case you are missing insights of our lookbook shooting, there will be a video and a post very soon.
xx Jula
Kleiderei Girl Thekla and Norian from Fairknallt hosted a talk about influencer. I managed to go and listen. Well done, guys!
When the Ringbahn in Berlin was late ALL the time and we had the chance to take some selfies.
It was my Birthday and our intern Julie surprised me! <3
Anna in EUROPA WHITE and I am wearing EUROPA BLACK. Kept us warm enough in cold Berlin.
When in Berlin we crash our frieds couch in Neukölln. That also means a traditional breakfast at the Ungeheuer on the last day.
Bye bye Berlin, bye bye Green Showroom - See you in summer!