Stephanie founded the blog 'let's talk slow' which is all about conscious living and sustainable fashion
"I'm a concious creative telling the stories of brands who do good."
English Version only
In our 'Eco Changemaker' section, we interview exciting personalities who are committed to sustainability in a variety of ways and thus inspire us. This includes
Stephanie from Amsterdam with her blog
'let's talk slow' who is always on the lookout for fair, eco and conscious treasures.
By adressing topics which are more relevant than ever, Stephanie provides her readers and followers with a path through the number of conscious options out there. In her blog you get inspiration about
fair brands, conscious places for travelling and tips and tricks for daily live. Making the world better starts with tiny steps, which can have a big impact if we do them together. Stephanie want's to inspire us going this path and living a conscious live. We are so inspired by her positivity and power, that we were very happy to interview her for our blog.
In this sense... Enjoy 25 questions with Stephanie!
Name: Stephanie van den Sigtenhorst
Age: 27
Your location: Amsterdam
Your work in 4 words? 4 words really? Uhm not possible! I do so many things from having my instagram to photography.
What's the biggest challenge in the job? Coming up with interesting information, to keep everyone informed and interested.
Who supports you especially in your work? My Fiancé Kasper, he really is my rock and helps me whenever!
What should every woman have in her closet? Super personal, but a good fitting jeans or trousers as a basis for your outfit.
And what in the cosmetic bag? Long lasting Inika Mascara.
What would you have liked to know before you started your own business? I already learned a lot while I was young as my parents are entrepreneurs. I think this really helps and it would help a lot to work in smaller companies to understand that it’s not always easy.
What would you advise your 16-year-old self? I think I can actually learn from my 16 year old me. Being more confident and believing in everything I do. I can sometimes doubt myself especially because many people will see it and I didnt have that as much when I was 16.
What would you like to abandon from your professional daily life? I would like tob e less driven by emails, and work more from a creative perspective.
Dog or cat? Dog
Champagne or seltzer? Seltzer, okay, champagne occasionally.
Which advice do you give to other founders or girl bosses? Believe in what you do and what you have to offer.
Digital calendar or old school calendar? Both! I have an old school calendar with pages next to it, so I can write down all my notes, I need to find something similar digitally. I love that you don’t have to carry it around.
Where would you work if not for yourself? I guess somewhere in photography, as long as I don‘t have to sit behind a desk all day.
Sustainability is: so much more exciting than you think!
An online magazine/blog that you read regularly: I’m more of an inspiration seeker at Instagram and Pinterest actually.
When was the last time you didn't check your e-mails for 24 hours? Too long ago. Maybe need to do this next weekend!
Do you have a Spirit Animal for fashion? Uhm not really. Maybe I should think of one? Is this really a thing?
How do you feel inspired and which platforms do you use? I love Instagram and Pinterest and just browse around.
What are the next professional projects? Looking into a printed version of my Ebook Slow It Down, it has all the practical tips you need when you want to start creating a fair and sustainable wardrobe.
Where do you see yourself in five years? Happy, with Kasper and hopefully a little one. Business wise, I hope to be a photographer capturing and sharing brands who do good. Kind of what I’m doing now but maybe in another form or way.
What do very few of you know? I’m pretty much an open book. Maybe that I really can’t keep secrets…
What other question should we have asked you? What is your favourite collection for next season? Because so far I’ve seen I loveeeeed the new Jan n June collection on Neonyte.
Thank you so much, dear Stephanie!
P:S. There is a
giveaway on instagram going on from 25th - 28th of November, whoop! Click
here to win the ebook 'Slow it down' and a JAN 'N JUNE scrunchie plus notebook.
Here is the link to the website let's talk slow and
here you get to the instagram.
Text by Jelka + Team
Here you'll get to our last blogpost about 'Fairnica - das fair fashion capsule wardrobe Konzept' (German version only).